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Ride the Rideau: Bringing leading-edge treatment to the region’s cancer patients

Ride the Rideau: Bringing leading-edge treatment to the region's cancer patients

The beautiful summer is winding down, many have returned from satisfying vacations, and students are heading back to school, all of which means that “Ride the Rideau” is not far away!

The momentum that this event has gained over the last three years in The Ottawa Hospital and the community to support cancer research at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute has been nothing short of staggering. Hosted by The Ottawa Hospital Foundation, the event has raised almost $3 million and once again this year hundreds of cyclists will participate in the ride from Ottawa to Merrickville.

As for myself, a first time rider along the Rideau, it is an honour to have been appointed medical head of The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Program and to participate with staff and cancer survivors in an event that helps us achieve our program’s vision:

“To provide each cancer patient with the world-class care, exceptional service and compassion that we would want for our loved ones.”

Over the past two months, since assuming medical leadership of the program, I have been inspired by the commitment of staff, patients, and their families to cancer care in Ottawa and the Champlain region.

The funds raised on September 8th through The Ottawa Hospital Foundation will enable cancer researchers and care providers at The Ottawa Hospital to continue making significant contributions to innovation in cancer diagnosis and treatment, and to enhance the experience for families and patients.

We currently have 207 clinical trials underway and another 140 cancer research projects are taking place through the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. These projects may result in bringing leading-edge treatment to the region’s cancer patients. They also cost millions of dollars to operate—making “Ride the Rideau” so critical to our goals of providing the best care and improving cancer therapy.

Cancer touches almost everyone in some way in our extended network and so an event like “Ride the Rideau” is very much about building a strong community here in the Ottawa region.

All the best to all the riders and volunteers, and remember to wear your padded shorts!


Wylam Faught, MD, FRCSC, CPE
Head, The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Program
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Ottawa


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