*This number reflects active employees of The Ottawa Hospital and the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.
The numbers represented above can vary throughout the year and may not account for some overlap in duties.
5th Hospital in Canada for peer-reviewed funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
4th Hospital in Canada for overall research funding
$2.2B Impact on Ottawa economy due to our research (since 2001)
2,321 Scientific papers published in 2020
51 Active patent families
11 Spin-off companies
1,420 Beds
18 State-of-the-art core research facilities
59 Scientific research labs
774 Active clinical trials
8,775 Patients enrolled in clinical trials
8.2 Average length of stay (days)
60,558 Patient admissions
166,892 Emergency visits
918,071 Ambulatory care visits
80,230 Surgical cases
6,383 Babies delivered